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ACT - The what, the why and the how

Veran have developed our ACT methodology, which stands for “Accelerated Cloud Transformation” for application across HR Government Departments (including Cabinet Office, Civil Service and Home Office and Disclosure and Barring Service).

ACT came about through Government HR’s need to update and replace their technology, to transform shared service operations and take advantage of the new opportunities from the Cloud.

ACT Methodology

The ACT methodical process involves the following steps:

1. Identify the Government standard model to deploy from a limited selection of best practice solutions

2. Test where this solution will work in your business and where it will not – ‘gaps’

3. Deploy the complete solution with the ‘gaps’ identified and filled

Veran was able to draw on and adopt recommendations and solutions for ACT based on project experiences with clients in the public and private sector.

How does ACT work?

ACT supports the investment already made by Central Government, to identify and avoid the risk of re-inventing the wheel and accruing unnecessary cost.

From project experiences we recognise the transformational solutions that are identified in the test phase where operational staff and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) can test and experience first-hand the benefits of Accelerated Cloud Transformation. Including SMEs and operational staff during testing creates a sense of ownership, sparking employee engagement and excitement for change transformation.

The diagram below identifies how acceleration can work during the testing phase. Design effort is reduced, allowing acceleration directly into test.

· Stage 1 - High-level mapping to identify the greatest fit gaps significantly different from the standard Government Model chosen

· Stage 2 - Series of tests of your requirements on a fully configured technical solution acquiring the right level of detail quickly

· Stage 3 - Final operational test pre-cutover to bring all the elements together including end to end processes, followed by cutover into a live instance on Cloud

Once the solution has been tested and the gaps identified and resolved, deployment and transition to support will be a much smoother journey, as those responsible for BAU support will have more time and a better understanding of the solution being deployed.

What is the future of ACT?

Using the ACT methodology, Veran has successful supported the Cabinet Office throughout the Workday implementation as well as the Home Office and Disclosure and Barring Service throughout the Oracle implementation.

At the Cabinet Office Workday was deployed to the Fast Stream only. The Government Commercial Function (GCO) were interested in joining the same tenant as was used at the Fast Stream. Veran worked with GCO, using ACT, to establish how much of the standard processes already deployed they could use. We found it was over 80% and accelerating these processes straight to test meant that GCO were able to deploy Workday within 6 months.

Veran aim to support Central Government by applying the ACT methodology across Government HR departments creating a consistent model for Accelerated Cloud Transformation. This approach will stop Government ‘re-inventing the wheel’, i.e. not designing their cloud system from scratch but building upon the shoulders of others and assessing their organisational ‘fit’ in order to speed up the design process.

In conclusion Accelerated Cloud Transformation offers greater security eliminating the reliance on data storage in files and cabinets. It also eliminates clunky administrative paper heavy processes, reducing bottlenecks and improving Service Level Agreement (SLA) turnaround. The cloud reduces the communication gap between HR and the business placing the ownership on Managers and Employees to initiate processes through self-service functionality operating on a secure platform. ACT supports HR innovation and reduces the risk of being left behind offering an evolving outlook on HR innovation.


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